Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Spring Equinox

As we move closer to the Equinox, the images are changing very fast. It is like a kaleidoscope or a movie reel. This is not the time to analyze. It is a time to absorb and allow the internal Flow that is going through your hearts to guide you. As long as you are in alignment, listening to your hearts and are in the Flow, you will be able to go through the speed of changes that are happening now.

In the past, you were more oriented to stopping every time that something needed to change. This practice will not work now. The only thing that you can do is to let the flow go through you and communicate with it on an energetic level reading the information from the Flow while you are on the go. You are becoming a flow unto yourselves, with the Flow that is going around you, that is happening in the internal world.

It may seem a little strange to your old way of thinking mode. There is nothing to hold onto, there is nothing to step on. At the same time, you are learning now, to go with the Flow. The flow itself is holding you. It is like riding a bike. When you are not moving, it is hard to keep your balance, the moment you start moving the pedals, the movement of the bike holds you. The same with swimming, if you don't move it is hard to stay on the surface of the water. The moment you start swimming you are in the Flow and more buoyant. This is something you will continue to learn and experience. You will become more conscious by accepting yourselves as a Flow.

This gives you a new perception of balance. In the past, you saw the balance achieved when two cups were placed on either side of a scale and the cups finally stop. It is totally different now. The balance is when your flow is in tune in new parameters of psychics and the Flow of energy going through Gaia and through you right now.

Hugs and love to all of you,