Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

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If you are new to my website, Welcome! I offer many tools in the form of videos, readings, apps, oils etc to help clear obstacles that are preventing you from accessing your gifts and manifesting the life you desire.

Please email me at and put "What Tools are Best for Me" in the subject line.

I will read your Aura to see which tools will benefit you on your Path to Ascension. I will also include a discount code for 20% off your order. I usually respond within 48 hours.

Grandma Chandra's Ascension Products and Services 


Grandma Chandra offers fractal videos and her Healing Thru Fractal Video Series. Chandra uses fractal images in all her videos. These images penetrate your light body. Since you are composed of light, fractals enter your light field (your Aura), making changes at a cellular level, correcting imbalances and addressing the cause of certain health conditions.

Each time you watch a video, it is encoded for you personally. As you evolve by working with the video Gma continually upgrades the codes and frequencies within the video to advance your ascension.

Grandma Chandra's Heal thru Fractal Videos are available here.

Gma's Spiritual Fractal Videos are available here.


Gma's 1st app Ascension Assist helps you harness the magnetic energies of sacred geometry and the capable consciousness of Grandma Chandra’s 12th dimensional masterhood. Sacred geometry magnetic energies are invaluable in that they will assist you in attracting more light to you as energy and information.

This app allows you to better know your life’s purpose, your higher source support team (including masters, teachers & guides) and accelerate your ascension.

Gma's 2nd app Ascension Rising is designed to assist you in harnessing the magnetic energies of the sacred geometries within the Octuple Dorje.

Grandma Chandra’s 33rd Dimensional Masterhood will boost your ascension interconnections into the Quantum Light Field.

In this app you will experience three different videos of the Octuple Dorje flashing, spinning, or multiple Dorjes merging in kaleidoscopic rotations. The fourth video is comprised of three Light Language Symbols, which along with the Divine sound of the Hu chant, truly boost your vibratory frequency. Meditating on these movements and listening to the audios facilitate Grandma Chandra’s delivering to you, layer-by-layer, these specialized codes and frequencies into your physical and etheric bodies so that you can progress into higher energetic frequencies much faster.

Grandma Chandra's Apps are available here.


Gma's oils are exceedingly pure and so powerful as to make changes at the cellular level. Gma raises the vibration of the oils by imprinting them with her 12 dimensional energies so she can assist you in reconstructing your true Whole Self that has been taken from you either willingly or unwillingly by planetary electromagnetic manipulation. Free yourself from this distortion when you use any of Grandma’s recommended oils.

Gma's High Vibrational Essential Oils open up new pathways in the brain through the olfactory system that affects the amygdala. This allows us to create new DNA strands restoring the blueprint of our Whole Selves. It has an effect on the vibrational rate of the cells within the body. The faster the vibrational rate the quicker we manifest on all levels.

Grandma Chandra's High Frequency Oils are available here.


Gma's will personally program the Green Laser for you with her 12th dimensional codes and frequencies.  The green laser  has 3 unique and very powerful functions:

All purchases include lifetime upgrades. Upgrades will be automatically added to any previously purchased units. 

Grandma Chandra's Green Healing Lasers are available here