These messages provide clarity, wisdom and understanding about life on the
New Earth. Subscribe to Gma’s Weekly message by submitting your name and email address to the web form on the right. We’ll deliver each copy directly to your inbox. This will ensure you never miss an issue.
Love this quantum sharing! That enables us to further trust that all that we need is coming to us everyday in every way. ~Jackie
Bless you Grand Ma Chandra, somehow so many times you are right on dot about what's happening. And your messages make me feel normal. ~Mala
Your messages are always helpful and uplifting for what I'm experiencing. Love, patience and inspiration! Thank you again for your help. ~Connie
I hardly know how to put this into words. My deep appreciation for your loving care, the time you take to help all of us as we travel along our paths, how you guide us in our vision, expand our perception so we can ‘see’ better and open us more to who we really are. I am truly grateful to have my heart and mind come to a deeper and more meaningful understanding, to have my perceptions broadened so I can see better, and to learn more of who I am. ~Sharon, Canada
I felt alone and distanced from myself and others for a long time. So along you came with this lovely and beautiful reminder to raise my vibration…… Such a simple way to connect to my higher self and to all those glorious Masters, Teachers and Guides. I understand now. They never left, I did. As a result of your recent message, my New Year’s resolution arrived. Finally, thanks to you, I have a plan. Raise my vibration. Yes! With love and appreciation ~Unci
Words cannot express how grateful I am for all the ways you have helped me grow. You are beyond extraordinary. Thank you for being here and for your beautiful divine presence!! Love to you ~Nancy T.
Thank you sooooooooo much for sharing this information because you have answered a question I have had from the beginning. I knew that you could cure yourself or would know those who could help you. What I didn’t understand was “why” you wouldn’t want to be healed but now I understand. You sharing this makes me feel closer to you and helps me understand more of how much you love us. ~Rina
Grandma Chandra I really love getting your emails. You teach me something with almost every email I get from you and you always bring me a more peaceful state of mind. ~Nichole
Sending love and gratitude for your presence here and your vision and guidance. ~Elizabeth
Thank you for these weekly messages. They are interesting and inspiring. Thank you for being messengers and healers on this life journey. Life is definitely becoming more fun and more interesting as these changes take their place within! Blessings of unconditional love and joy to both of you! ~Jackie
Click on the title to read each message.
Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy
New Vibrational Spring Energies
Become a Multidimensional Being
Masculine and Feminine Principles
Become Your Own Movement Creator
Collapsing of the Old Structures
New World of Love and Compassion
Build Yourself In the New 5D Reality
Balancing the Feminine and Masculine Energies