Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Multidimensional Gaia Creation

Gaia is in the process of creation. This process of creation is the Goddess Energy or Feminine Energy. With the 11:11 coming up plus the 1 in the year 2021 there are 5 ones and a double 2. Five is the number of quick changes. These changes will happen very fast in a feminine, nurturing, loving and supportive way for those who are ready to move forward, to be in the Flow and to be part of this multidimensional Gaia creation.

For eons, humanity looked to male energies and male structures with their limitations. This way of being is no longer supported by the changes that Gaia is taking on. The old limiting structures are melting. You will now see a recreation or creation of a new existence based on the principle of the female energy of love, compassion, inclusion, sympathy and bringing out the best that is in the Flow with the changes that Gaia is going through.

It doesn't matter what gender you are in this incarnation, each of you will be bringing forward this female part of your energies and this will be the main energy where you will be united.

Hugs and love to all of you,