Assisting You on Your Path to Ascension!

Love Yourself

Be the best Valentine for yourself! Love yourself and start all the loving from there. Go into the closest circles where you ordinarily spread your love and send your love outward. Share your love while sharing yourself. This wave of love will be unfolding and radiating from you.

The more people that take the time for self love and love the Creator inside of themselves, the more love you will create. Valentine’s Day is all about love. It is not about candy or teddy bears. It is all about recognizing yourself, your presence, your work, what you have achieved, and loving, celebrating, enjoying, having fun and bringing yourself as the best gift to yourself and to everyone else.

Now that you know how powerful love is, a very simple smile, very simple touch, hug or saying kind words, calling or sending a text will bring so much joy to people whom you love. When you bring love to these people, they receive all the other love from the universe that will be accompanied by this simple act of love.

Don't hesitate to spend some time on yourself. It is not like, once I cook for everybody else then I will take some time for me. Do things you love first and only afterwards then focus on the family and others.

Hugs and love to all of you,