The fruits and vegetables that are being harvested right now have more energy in them than in previous years because of the condensed new sun’s vibrational energy coming to you through this year’s crops. Give gratitude to the food that you buy and connect to its energy as it come into your body so you can optimize it and get the maximum benefit from it.
It is best to grow your own food if you have the chance and eat your own crops like apples, lemons and tangerines. If you don't have your own crops, you can test the vibrational level at the store or at the market to see if it matches yours. Before you consume it, hold it in your hands and check the energy.
The old energies are like a sinking ship. The ship is constructed of old beliefs and old systems. It is still kept afloat but it is slowly going under water. Large objects create a vortex around them. Keep yourself a good distance away from all the vibrational vortexes that are going down. You now have a lot of tools to check this vortex energy and if the energy does not work for you, if it is not a positive vibration take a safe distance away so you can be an observer but are not energetically connected to the vortices that are sinking. Whether small or big, keep a safe distance so you are not unnecessarily involved. Make sure that whatever you are stepping into is a safe distance away because it is so easy to get caught in this download spiral movement. You are here to keep balance, to allow what needs to go away to leave and keep going forward according to the universal plan.
Different parts of your DNA are blooming. Your Spiritual or Etheric Light Body is becoming visible at your DNA level. Very soon, scientists will start seeing this and they will start asking questions, bringing it to everybody’s attention that your DNA has changed. There is an energy in your DNA that is showing up in all these upcoming inventions due to this. This will be a mind-blowing recognition for humanity, related to health, and your ability to heal your life. Be on the lookout for this amazing change.
Your DNA is shining and attracting attention everywhere in the scientific area. Scientists in the 3D world will start speaking about multidimensionality. It is valuable to recognize this and as a spiritual worker to understand that this energy now is a part of the real world of who you are. This recognition is becoming a part of your official world. People who were protecting the old scientific standards will have nothing to say because they will be shown the facts, the research, the pictures, everything that new the devices coming to the scientific market are able to register and determine on a scientific level.
This research will be repeated. There will be no contradictions anymore to prove you are Light Beings that have light bodies right here on Gaia, and that you are not made of matter. This is a huge breakthrough!
Hugs and love to all of you,